(Scroll down for all episodes!) Listen in for a daily prayer session (Monday through Friday) for peace! His unchanging Word speaks to the chaotic waters of heart and mind... “Peace, be still.” Quiet yourself in God’s presence to experience soul peace, mind renewal, and the rest He promises! Exercises are simple and supernaturally restorative!
The Monday through Friday podcast includes prayer themes based upon days of the week. People learn through repetition, plus prayer is a spiritual discipline to practice, so listeners can experience the same discipline with fresh exercises each day of the week. It breaks out as follows:
- Mellow Mondays- Practicing breath prayer and silence using scripture - Tranquil Tuesdays- Visualizing scripture-based images/passages - Worship Wednesdays- Prayer exercises specific to worship and prayer expression - Thoughtful Thursdays- Listening and repeating scripture for meditation and mind renewal - Friend Fridays- Experiencing the presence and person of Christ
You'll always hear soul stirring scripture reflections to inspire your prayer language. Listen to stories, hear testimony, go deeper in scripture. Each episode is most often 10 minutes or less and includes simple interactive prayer exercises and reflections. Some sessions will end in quiet time for you to unburden your thoughts and feelings with a gentle instrumental or silence. Often sessions include a prayer spoken over you!
Peace Be Still Daily Prayer Download can be found on all major podcast providers like Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Podbean, Spotify, Iheart Radio, and Spreaker, etc. All episodes are also found below!